Bible Study 

Let’s Learn 

What God Says

The Book of Ezekiel

Are you ready for a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study? 
The book of Ezekiel contains some of the most incredible prophecies in the Bible, including detailed description of a Nuclear War and the cleanup afterward. Ezekiel ministered to a nation experiencing judgment for their sins, and may have some lessons for us today.

Ezekiel’s name means “God strengthens, or God will strengthen.” Ezekiel is one of the three that were called Captivity Prophets (the other two are Jeremiah and Daniel). Ezekiel never mentions Jeremiah in his writings, but he does mention Daniel three times.

Participating Online

** If you are joining in via a mobile phone, you will need to download the FREE app for Zoom

Download the Zoom app (Apple Phones)

Download the Zoom app (Android Phones)

Zoom Meeting Info: Access Meeting Here
Every Thursday Evening from 6.30pm.
Meeting ID: 976 5040 2735
Security: Please Join The Waiting Rom


We are working through these sessions in our own time and taking our Thursday night Revelation Study time to simply check in with eachother regarding this study.

We will be meeting every Thursday evening from 6.30pm and finishing up around 8.30pm.


This home based Bible study will be held in my home within the Central Lakes Estate, Caboolture. – Located near the hospital.

To receive the street address, please complete the contact form at the bottom of this page prior to attending your first session.

Let’s Fellowship
& Study Together

If these topics ignight a fire within your spirit, we invite you to join us as we search the Word of God for truth and answers about the times we are living in.

Please let us know if you are interesterd in attending, so we can give you all the information that you require.