Bible Study 

Let’s Learn 

What God Says

The Olivet Discourse

The End Times According to Jesus can be found in the Olivet Discourse. In this end times Bible study from Pastor Allen, we’ll learn exactly what Jesus said, explain what He meant and why. Are we living in the end times? What did Jesus say to his disciples about the end times?
We’ll learn exactly what Jesus said about the Antichrist and delve deep into the mysteries of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture?

Join us and Pastor Allen for this in-depth breakdown on the olivet discourse, Jesus’ words about the end times to his disciples.


We will be meeting every Thursday evening from 6.30pm and finishing up around 8.30pm.

If you can’t make it or miss a session, you can use the resources below to catch up at your leisure.


This home based Bible study will be held in my home within the Central Lakes Estate, Caboolture. – Located near the hospital.

To receive the street address, please complete the contact form at the bottom of this page prior to attending your first session.

Participating Online

We will be using Zoom for people to participate online, you can use Zoom on your computer or on your mobile or tablet.

You don’t need a Zoom account to attend a meeting and if joining on your desktop or laptop, you don’t need to install any applications or signup to any accounts. Learn More Here> 

** If you are joining in via a mobile phone, you will need to download the FREE app for Zoom

Download the Zoom app (Apple Phones)

Download the Zoom app (Android Phones)

Zoom Meeting Info: Access Meeting Here
Every Thursday Evening from 6.30pm.
Meeting ID: 941 4969 7232

Why Bible Prophecy

Across the globe, simultaneously we are seeing the signs of the end days coming to pass all around us. We see a great Apostasy within our churches’, the love of may growing cold, people are lovers of themselves, lovers of money and many have been given over to a depraved mind.

We hear of wars and rumors of wars, Famine, Pestilence, Earthquakes and the increase on birth pangs.
As believers in Jesus and looking for his coming, we need to be keeping an eye on Israel, the Jewish people and the Middle East. Watching the rise of the one world government, the one world economy, a cashless society, one world religion and the mark of the beast type system.
All of these are signs that Jesus’ return is coming close and we see the formation of all of these things in play within our society today.

Let’s Fellowship
& Study Together

If these topics ignight a fire within your spirit, we invite you to join us as we search the Word of God for truth and answers about the times we are living in.

Please let us know if you are interesterd in attending, so we can give you all the information that you require.